This blog needs more content and I have been trying to make an effort to read more things.
So here’s a new series where I share links to stuff I’ve seen or recommended to other people recently. I haven’t figured out what this will look like yet but readers can expect the following:
- A new post either on Sunday or Monday every 1 to many weeks
- Links to things about tech, culture, whatever my current hobbies are, or stuff I found interesting
- Making Badass Developers - Kathy Sierra (Serious Pony) keynote | YouTube - Split skills into subskills that you can master quickly. Revisit skills to refine them. Learn what good / correct looks like by reviewing a high quantity of high quality examples
- Excuse me but why are you eating so many frogs | Experimental History | Substack - Most productivity advice focuses on eating frogs or forcing yourself to do tasks you dislike. If you find that you are constantly eating frogs consider whether it’s a sign you need to change something
- Giving Good Feedback: Consider the Ratio | - When giving feedback consider how the other person thinks you perceive them, and whether your ratio of positive to negative feedback aligns with how you see them
- The /ai ‘manifesto’ | More! by Damola Morenikeji | Substack - Create an
page to describe how you have used AI in your work - Why Are Humans Suddenly Getting Better at Tetris? | YouTube - Communities can enable people to connect and learn from each other. Small groups of passionate people can often be more effective than large groups of less interested people
- alphaguess - Binary search with words. New puzzles daily